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  • Writer's picturePrajeesh Prathap

Demystifying Generative AI Terminology: A Concise Guide

Generative AI is a rapidly evolving field with its own terminology. This guide provides definitions of key terms, allowing you to better understand and contribute to the advancements in Generative AI. Whether you're an AI enthusiast, developer, or simply curious, this guide will help you navigate the world of Generative AI.

Artificial Intelligence (AI): Computer systems exhibiting intelligent behavior, performing tasks requiring human expertise

Neural Network: Models inspired by the human brain, comprising interconnected nodes (perceptrons) that process and transmit information

Parameters: Weights associated with connections between perceptrons, determining information flow and model complexity

Model Architecture: Structures defining how information flows within a model, such as convolutional networks, transformers, and recurrent networks

Generative AI: Models that generate media (text or images) based on a given prompt, utilizing complex algorithms and architectures

Prompt Injection: Technique where a specific text prompt guides model output generation

Embeddings: Continuous vector representations capturing semantic meaning and relationships in text or visuals, enhancing generative model outputs

LoRA (Language Representation): Advanced technique improving language understanding and generation in generative models

References: Scott Logic Blog. (2023, June 1). A guide to Generative AI terminology. Retrieved from

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